Arabic Language
م. د. صالح الخزرجي

Arabic Language

تحتلُّ اللغة العربية مكانةً مرموقة بينَ لغات العالم، بل هي أشرفُ اللغات وأكثرها تميزًا، حَسبُها أنّها لغة القرآن الكريم ولغةُ أهل الجنة، وفيها من السحر والبيان ما لا يوجد في أي لغةٍ أخرى، وبالإضافة إلى جمالها وسحرها فإنها من أكثر اللغات انتشارًا في العالم، ويتحدّث بها عددٌ كبيرٌ من الناس في مختلف بقاع العالم وليس في الوطن العربي فقط، وتُعدّ اللغة العربية من أكثر اللغات غزارةً من حيث المادة اللغوية، كما أنها من اللغات الحية التي تضم مفرداتٍ كثيرة ومترادفاتٍ لا يوجد مثلُها في لغةٍ أخرى

Mohammed Baqeryassen Khudair


A computer is an electronic device for processing information or data. It has the ability to store, retrieve and process data. It might be time to use your laptop, play games, and surf the web. You can also edit or create spreadsheets, presentations, and even video files.
Today,it's important for every one to have computer skills which it's mean the ability to work on a computer or use the computer to do some of daily essential stuffs such as writing an email or browsing something on a search engine or using a spreadsheet. Having computer skills does not essentially mean the ability to code, which is the domain of computer programmers but the ability to use a computer. As now a days everything is almost internet driven and we need to use a computer to do some of the basic daily activities, it is important to have computer skills. It is for this reason, that now a days, there are computer literacy programs for the senior citizens so that they can operate and work on computers.

Human anatomy/1st year 2021-2022
Dr.Ali AzeezDr Samir FaissalDr ali majed

Human anatomy/1st year 2021-2022

1st stage students .Subjects to be given are the following :

Lec.1,2 : Introduction to the human anatomy: including terminology

Lec.3 : The different ways of dissections plus items, parts and functions of the different body systems 

Lec.4 : Osteology of the shoulder and arm

Lec.5 : pectoral region

Lec.6 : Brachial plexus 

Lec.7 : Axilla and scapular region

Lec.8 : Part-1 Anatomy of arm compartment

Lec.9 : Part-2 arm compartment Cubital area 

Lec.10 : Osteology of forearm and part-1 forearm compartment 

Lec.11 : Part-2 forearm compartment 

Lec.12 : Wrist and hand osteology +the canals of the wrist

Lec.13 : Hand anatomy

Lec.14 : Revision

Human Rights
صباح محمد

Human Rights

تعتبر كرامة الانسان اساساً لحقوقه ولكي لا تمس هذه الكرامة لا بد من احترام حقوق الانسان والعمل على صيانتها من قبل الدولة وقد اكدت على ذلك المواثيق والاتفاقات الدولية منها الاعلان العالمي لحقوق الانسان الصادر عن الامم المتحدة لسنة 1948 

Medical  biology
Dr. Nisreen Jawad Kadhim

Medical biology

In medical biology, students study a variety of life processes and learn how different organisms meet the challenges of living in their environment.  Major biological concepts for student focus include homeostasis, energy transfer and use, the relationship between structure and function, and change over time. The module covers the knowledge of principles of genetics in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, including humans, at the level of molecules, cells, and multicellular organisms. Topics include mechanisms involved in genetic inheritance; human genetic syndromes; structure and function of DNA, chromosomes, and genomes; organization of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes; DNA replication, recombination and repair; transcription and regulation of gene expression; mutations and mutagenesis and their effects on gene expression.

Medical Physics
dr afnanM.s.c.Tamara AliAbbas Rashid

Medical Physics

Medical physics is the application of physics in medicine. All areas of physics can be applied to medicine (Mechanics, electro magnetism, thermodynamics, nuclear physics, optics, fluids, ...) Medical physics is mainly involved in the development of new instrumentation and technology used for diagnosis and also for treatment.

The term medical physics refers to two major areas: -


2. The applications of physics in the practice of medicine.

 The first of these could be called the physics of physiology; the second includes such things as the physics of the stethoscope, the tapping of the chest (percussion), and the medical applications of lasers, ultrasound, radiation, and so forth.

Medicinal Chemistry
Dr.Asaad Abbasbanin alhamidReyadh Henwamariam reyadhAssistant Lecturer Zainab Qasim

Medicinal Chemistry

Medicinal Chemistry is the science that deals with the discovery or design of new therapeutic chemicals and their development into useful medicines. It may involve synthesis of new compounds, investigations of their relationships between the structure of natural or synthetic compounds and their biological activities, elucidations of their interactions with receptors of various kinds, including enzymes and DNA, the determination of their absorption, transport, and distribution properties, and studies of the metabolic transformations of these chemicals into other chemicals.