دكتور فلاح حسن


Biotribology : 

The application of tribology in biology is a growing and rapidly expanding field. It necessarily builds upon the fundamentals of engineering tribology and extends well beyond conventional boundaries. Biomedical tribological systems involve an extensive range of synthetic materials and natural tissues, which often operate in complex interactive biological environments. Their performance specifications and lifetimes often exceed that found in many engineering systems and frequently have to extend beyond the lifetime of the patient. Biomedical tribology involves natural human and animal systems and, of increasing importance, the development of replacement (prosthetic) devices to replace diseased tissues and organs. The current designs of prosthetic devices, such as total replacement joints, have demonstrated clinical lifetimes of well beyond 10 years. These successes have also led to new types of problems, relating to long-term tribological and biological interactions within the human body that can limit the lifetime of many of these devices. As the average age of the elderly population increases, their expectations of levels of activity and quality of life increase, the fundamental specification and long-term performance requirements of biomaterials and prosthetic devices are being extended. A new era of biotribology is now emerging, in which the conventional approach of defining tribological requirements in terms of engineering functions is no longer adequate. The course focuses on the major areas of tribology and, primarily, biotribology, the natural human joints, and their artificial replacements. The natural synovial joint and artificial cartilages are initially described. The types of joint replacements are introduced and the major limitations that control their long-term survivorship in patients and adverse biological reactions are discussed. Finally, the alternatives for joint replacement in the next millennium are described, including both functional biomaterials that are engineered to give improved biological activity and viable tissue-engineered systems. Biotribology is an area that concerns itself with tribology its applications to biomechanics, biomaterials, orthopedics, and other biological systems. It can be defined as the study of biological processes.

Computer Network

Computer Network

This course provides an introduction to computer networks, with a special focus on the Internet architecture and protocols. Topics include layered network architectures, addressing, naming, forwarding, routing, communication reliability, the client-server model, web and email protocols.

Signal & System
Mohammed hassoon Alwan

Signal & System

Digital signal processing (DSP) technology and its  advancements have dramatically impacted our modern  society everywhere. Without DSP, we would not have  digital/Internet audio or video; digital recording; CD, DVD,  and MP3 players; digital cameras; digital and cellular  telephones; digital satellite and TV; or wire and wireless  networks.

Medical instruments would be less efficient or unable to  provide useful information for precise diagnoses if there  were no digital electrocardiography (ECG) analyzers or  digital x-rays, medical image systems (MRI) ,  electroencephalogram (EEG) ... etc.

Neural Networks
Hussein Almngoshi

Neural Networks

An artificial neuron network (neural network) is a computational model that mimics the way nerve cells work in the human brain. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) use learning algorithms that can independently make adjustments - or learn, in a sense - as they receive new input. This makes them a very effective tool for non-linear statistical data modeling.

Electromechanical Design
Hussain Ameer

Electromechanical Design

Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), such as pressure sensors, accelerometers, and bio-mechanical assemblies and displays, require knowledge of a broad range of disciplines, from microfabrication to electromechanical. This subject presents an introduction to this broad field, using examples and design projects drawn from real MEMS and Bio-MEMS applications.

Control II
Hawraa.r .abedalameer

Control II

When computers came onto the scene, their obvious applicability to control soon became apparent, and digital control systems started to appear. A digital control system is a control system that processes signals coming from sensors by means of a computer. The analog signal (continuous in value and time) has to be sampled and take discrete values at given time intervals. This process is known as signal digitalization.

Biomedical Sensors
Mohammed hassoon Alwan

Biomedical Sensors

The sensors are devices that can transform non-electrical signals into electrical  

signals. The biomedical sensor is a very important kind of sensors. First we will  

introduce some basic knowledge about biomedical sensors including a definition  

and classification.