Descriptive Geometry
Ali Mahdi

Descriptive Geometry

Descriptive geometry is the branch of geometry which allows the representation of three-dimensional objects in two dimensions by using a specific set of procedures.

Mena yahya


Chemistry is a branch of natural science that deals principally with the properties of substances, the changes they undergo, and the natural laws that describe these changes.


Computer fundamentals I
Ghufran S. Salih

Computer fundamentals I

A Computer can be defined or described as a machine or device which can work with information such as to store, retrieve, manipulate, and process data. 

What is Computer Fundamentals:: It can be described as the learning or studying some basic functions of computers starting from their origin to the modern day

Study of basic computer types to their characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages are included in the Learning of fundamentals of computers.

Before Shifting to advance computer knowledge it is highly recommended to be aware of this topic thoroughly as it would make you more confident and comfortable while acquiring more advanced computer 

Electrical Circuits I
Harith Almusawi

Electrical Circuits I

Fundamental DC circuit analysis course with lab component. Topics: circuit elements and variables, integrated circuits, basic laws of circuits, method of circuit analysis. Elements of design and sensors are introduced

Engineering Drawing I
Ayat Abbas KadhimDr Hussain Salim

Engineering Drawing I

 Engineering drawing is a type of technical drawing used to define the requirements for engineering products or components. Typically, the purpose of an engineering drawing is to clearly and accurately capture all geometric features of a product or component so that a manufacturer or engineer can produce the required item. It may also describe the process of making the item, may be used to convey engineering ideas during the design process, or may provide a record of an existing item. In this course, Students are introduced to fundamental knowledge and skills such as line work, lettering, scale use, and sketching, multi-view drawings, sectional views, with the basics of manual drafting techniques.

Assist. Lect. Ghufran Salah


This course is designed for  beginners students in English language. It intended to enhance students'  proficiency  in English language on the social level through developing their speaking, reading, comprehension and writing skills. 

Mathematics I
Harith AlmusawiDr Shaymaa H. Nawfal

Mathematics I

The aim of mathematics course to explain the theoretical challenges and the philosophy of engineering math. In addition, to introduce the principles phenomena of integration and differentiation and their applications

حقوق الانسان - طب حياتي
م.م هويدا عبدالله ابراهيم

حقوق الانسان - طب حياتي

...الهدف من دراسة حقوق الانسان

1- توعية الطالب وتمكينه من فهم التطور التاريخي لحقوق الانسان واصولها في العصور القديمة وفي الشريعة الاسلامية 

2- مناقشة مفاهيم ومبادئ حقوق الانسان في القانون الدولي , وتقدير الحقوق الفردية والمجموعات بغض النظر عن الاختلاف العرقي او الدين او الجنس او السياسة او المعتقد 

3  -تطبيق مفاهيم الحرية والديمقراطية في حياة الطالب الشخصية والاجتماعية وتحديد مسؤوليتة وابراز دوره كمواطن له الحق في انتخاب القادة في بلاده.